"Onna no Ko no Mizugi-Shitagi"(Girl's Swimwear & Underwear)"女の子の水着・下着"アパレル業界関係者必見!本当に使える?まんが図解の実在水着データベース/キッズカタログアート承ります


・IEを使って体制にクミしよう!ページ再現度120%★    we can not english velly well!!! フレッシュ日本語版

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      - 水着と下着を啓蒙するサイト - 

★★★you wellcome!★いらっしゃいませ!★★★


These national flags are the countries of the foreign friend who was able to welcome 10 times or 
more by this website checked until now.


You should inform about the existence of this site to your friend.

"NIPPON" of a "OTAKU"'s home. Our "NIPPONGO" is a native language. An expression peculiar to the English word of the slang attribute for a network and the area like a figurative meaning peculiar to U.S.-Britain cannot perform both understanding and expression. I use the character of a foreign language and express our native language. This is as a result of efforts of a kind to spend time very much. According to which kind do you perform the best efforts? The world is large. And there are various natives. When English cannot be used, does it become the object of racial discrimination? I respect various local attributes. I am fortunate if the same is said of you. (Efforts to spend still huge time were paid to creation of this sentence.)

wakatte kudasai. domo arigato gozaimasu!            - read here one -

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